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Year: 2023

Steinstrabe 26-28 residential development in Berlin

The Steinstrabe 26-28 Residential Development in Berlin introduces a new owner participation concept in architectural design, involving the restoration of an old building and the construction of a new residential building. The project, led by architects and aspiring homeowners, features 22 apartments, 15 shops, and underground parking. Owners have freedom to design their spaces and cultivate the garden.

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Ruppiner Strabe 43 residential building in Mitte-Berlin

The Ruppiner Strabe 43 residential building in Mitte-Berlin is a unique project that transformed a typical Berlin block corner into a public square flanked by two identical buildings. The modern architectural design, including the external form, facades, and balconies, creates a distinct urban space. With three-sided apartments and access to a rear garden, it offers a unique living experience.

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Choriner Strabe 53 residential building in Urbanes Wohnen

The Choriner Strabe 53 residential building in Urbanes Wohnen, located in the heart of Berlin, is a modern architectural gem. With a ground floor plus six floors, it offers comfortable and sustainable living spaces. The design features open glass windows, green spaces, and a unified color theme, reflecting the principles of modern architecture.

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The southwest town urban design project in Prague

The Southwest Town Urban Design Project in Prague, Czech Republic, is an estate mass housing development centered around a metro line and green spaces, preserving views of nature. The varied architectural styles, including modern towers and traditional houses, create a dynamic urban landscape. The project reflects thoughtful urban planning and future expansion potential.

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Britomart and the Auckland waterfront urban regeneration

The Britomart and Auckland waterfront urban regeneration focuses on revitalizing the historical area and expanding the waterfront for future growth. The plan integrates historical landmarks, transportation, and new high-rise buildings, guided by a vision for 2040. This publicly led initiative emphasizes community benefit and environmental considerations over private sector interests, setting a unique precedent.

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