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An inspiring author, Senior architect, and manager offering practical knowledge through weekly articles on architecture, urban design, planning, advanced writing, book reviews, paper reviews, and Useful free downloads and links. And inspiring world architecture, landscape, and urban design projects and sharing my own from practice.

Author-New Release

The book shares the journey of success and achievements in professional practice work mainly in the middle east and Europe. It provides an essential workbook for students and practitioners to achieve success in career. The book has been in development for one year and it is essential for those who want to establish a business in the middle east and Europe. The book has been released on 1st June 2022 and few copies are left for sale from previous years. It will be available for purchase directly from author through secure payment by PAYHIP.

author Future  publication book cover

Published Books

author new released book cover

The book presents a new assessment framework, a research method for writing on architecture, and a research method on the book genres on demand in the publishing market based on a case study of sample published books. It provides a powerful path to build an indicator to examine methods, processes, and theories in architecture. The author introduces his experience in testing various writing methods on architecture, and here the book illustrates these tested methods and introduces a new method of writing and developing writing skills. Continue reading .

Buy the book

You can buy the book form several online bookstore platforms around the globe. Digital2Draft provides you a universal link to a webpage of the online stores to choose which you would like to buy from. The book is also available on Amazon platform on all its locations in the world.

You can buy the book from author directly through a secure purchase platform PayHip.

Author Bio

Author personal photo.

Husam Talib is a Senior architect, urban designer and Most of all, a teacher.

Husam In his 25 years in architectural and urban design practice experience has helped several firms in the Middle East achieve success by meeting projects planned goals and reduced projects budgets without quality tradeoff.

Recent article

Architecture and Art: Principles of Design. Ca d’Oro, Venice, 1424–36, by sculptors Giovanni and Bartolomeo Buon

Architecture and Art: Principles of Design is the fifth article of a series of articles about the art dimension in architecture. This article analyzes the role of art in the creation of architecture in utilizing the principles of design. The identical principles used by painters, sculptors, and architects in the creation of art and architecture. Its direct influence on the design process of function and form. Full Article

Author Recent Book review

Author-recent paper review

climate change ,GHG emission since the Kyoto protocol infographic

A treaty signed by 191 nations in Kyoto in 1997 for the target GHG emission. The protocol identified climate change as a GLOBAL PROBLEM and took effect in 2005.

The paper reviews environment publications in urban studies journal from 1967 to 2016. From these studies 12 thought-provoking articles the author studies in depth. The paper presents a forward-looking research agenda of a multidisciplinary approach to environment issues and evaluation of stakeholder’s involvement to achieve sustainability. Cities are the main contributor of GHG emission they are responsible of 70% for it although they occupy 2% of all land. Read Full Review.

Project from practice

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My newsletter is designed to be send every 2-3 weeks to subscribers. The email is a post related to one of the fields of specialty I possess either architecture, urban design , or urban planning. The email is centered around one of the professional practice skill, tool , knowledge, and technique delivered from my professional practice work. In some advanced levels emails there is a debate discussion about topics in urban design and planning linked directly to professional practice.

The newsletter main purpose also is to inform subscribers about promotions, Articles update, discounts, giveaways, and announcing new book publication.

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