Architecture : Writing, publishing, Marketing is my new book release in Jan 2021.

The book presents an assessment framework and a research method for writing on architecture and choosing book genre based on a case study of sample books. It provides a powerful path to build an indicator to examine methods, processes, and theories in architecture. Writing on architecture is conducted in various methods, and here the book illustrates these methods and introduces a new method of writing and developing writing skills. It proves that developing writing skills have two advantages .First, how writing foster the capability to build criticism, assessment, and evaluation indicators .Second, how developing writing skills help maintain high level academic writing and success. To make writing a rewarding act, the book presents the Publishing & marketing process and pros and cons of book marketing. The book is written based on the 25 years of architectural practice experience and is for university level students and practitioners.
The book illustrates detailed marketing author marketing plan, the positive side and the negative to assist you to build a successful marketing plan.
You can buy the book from all online stores link of Draft2Digital gives you a page to NOOK, KOBO, APPLE, SCRIBD, and others. And the book is available on all Amazon platforms worldwide.
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