Fjord City: A Waterfront Urban Renewal Project in Oslo is the twenty-third article on projects from practice. To make Oslo city more attractive the Oslo city council decided to develop the port of Oslo which plays a central role in the redevelopment of Fjord city. The city council approved the urban renewal project plan for the port in 2000. The strategic goal of this urban renewal is two main goals. First, to transfer the cargo port to the south harbor of Sydhavna. The second is to open the harbor and give access to the public from different adjacent areas by creating a waterfront of promenade, Housing, recreation, business, and office buildings. That increases the volume of cargo, more business, and passengers through the port. See Figure 1, the Fjord City port before urban renewal.

The fjord city urban renewal stretches from Frognerkilen in the west to Sydhavna in the southeast. It encompasses an area of 2,261 acres and is subdivided into 11 sub-areas. Its main areas are Bjørvika, Filipstad, Pipervika, and Frognerkilen. See Figure 2, the defined four areas for urban renewal.

The Fjord City Council since 2000 has conducted many surveys and presented many reports that study what has happened and what level of development achieved in the city. The team conducted the surveys and posed many questions like Who lives in Fjordbyen, and who uses it? What do they do there and what do they think of the new urban areas? how the development is viewed by Oslo’s residents in general? They surveyed the housing stock and purchase power of the whole area targeted for redevelopment. All areas of the urban renewal of Fjord City were surveyed and they found out that the area has several functions ranging from dwelling, housing, shops, restaurants, and small recreation businesses. The studies, and surveys of ongoing urban renewal, and development continued till 2021.
The Fjord City Urban Renewal Project covers 2261 acres, and the harbor waterfront extends to 6 miles long. The Oslo Council approval for the Fjord City urban renewal plan includes several goals and strategies to be achieved on a long-term basis by many actors. The core Element of this urban renewal plan is to build a promenade along the waterfront and connect in all areas. The urban development includes multiple uses and functions within the land use plan. To accomplish the urban plan the majority of the previous harbor had to be freed out for development.
The outstanding goals of the plan are to connect the city core to the waterfront by hanging urban structures, good urban space, and greenery, new leisure and recreation areas, cultural activities, connecting the transport system to the waterfront by a tram which is a good solution, and upon studying the waterfront water activities the area needs more ferries that need to be sustainable and small boat berths. The map in Figure 2 shows the fjord urban renewal area. The gray is the area ( Ormsund, Sjursoya) where all previous harbors are to be shifted, renewed, and to add new development. Alnas Utlop was planned and developed to be a buffer zone, open landscape, and park, between the port areas and the Bjorvika area.
The Bjorvika area includes 12 areas for urban renewal and development. It exists in the historical area and the medieval city of Oslo. The area is of high cultural and historical value. The urban redevelopment of Bjorvika intended to connect the waterfront to the city core and keep its historical value. The area development included removing the E18 main road and converting it to a tunnel to remove high traffic from the area. In this zone, the fjord tram line gave facility of transport linking to Oslo’s main station and airport. This area includes new developments at the seafront such as the opera house and the museum. Various scales of buildings were included in the development, open areas and promenade, ship harbor, and parks. See Figure 3,4 photos from the area’s new urban development.

Vippetangen has three important urban elements the fortress, the grain silo, and the old facilities of the harbor. The plan directed to renew this area to keep its cultural value and develop the harbor and promenade.
Aker Brygge is the first area of the Fjord city to be developed it includes the old industrial architecture. The development of this area includes adding 400 dwellings, 7000 workplaces, and the renovation of the old architecture. See Figure 5, the new urban development of Aker Brygge.

Filipstad’s area of 23 acres of this urban renewal project includes mixed-use development and concentration on housing projects 3000-4000 dwellings, large seaside recreation areas, pen space, and promenade, adding a small boat harbor, and increasing the jet ferries in the area. See Figure 6, the new urban development of dwellings in the area and open space and landscape.

At the far end of the urban development, the Frognerstanda is an open area of waterfront and forest landscape. Adding to this area is a promenade and access to the waterfront for fishing and swimming. See Figure 7, the open area with the forest, landscape, and waterfront.

[…] economic dimension focuses on the transformation of the urban renewal of the project that enhances the regional economy. The enhancement in promoting business creation, […]