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Category: urban regeneration

here is displayed urban regeneration projects from practice

Fjord City: A waterfront urban renewal project in Oslo

The Fjord City Urban Renewal Project in Oslo aims to transform the city’s port area into a vibrant waterfront with housing, recreation, and business spaces. The plan includes surveys, transport connections, and preservation of cultural sites. Specific areas like Bjorvika and Aker Brygge are being developed, with a focus on historical value and mixed-use spaces.

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The forum 2004 complex urban development project Barcelona

The Forum 2004 Complex Urban Development Project in Barcelona was initiated to host the World Urban Forum and reshape a neglected area. It aimed to revitalize the riverfront, address social and environmental challenges, and create a sustainable, integrated urban space. The project comprised green spaces, residential and commercial zones, and infrastructure improvements, bringing new life to the previously underserved region.

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Britomart and the Auckland waterfront urban regeneration

The Britomart and Auckland waterfront urban regeneration focuses on revitalizing the historical area and expanding the waterfront for future growth. The plan integrates historical landmarks, transportation, and new high-rise buildings, guided by a vision for 2040. This publicly led initiative emphasizes community benefit and environmental considerations over private sector interests, setting a unique precedent.

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