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A typology of Urban Design theories

The author divided the article into two parts. The first is the proposed typology of studying urban design theories based on three dimensions – subject , object ,  knowledge of urban design  – to distinguish the schools that originated these dimensions . Second, applying this typology on the shared body of knowledge from studying various reading lists of universities teaching urban design in UK,USA,AUSTRALIA. That to define common texts between these schools and the body of knowledge.

The analysis goes further research by identifying the common text between these universities by measuring how many certain text appear in reading list , the author also defines and classifies the texts by year of appearance and its strong contribution to theory of urban design in changing way of thinking and teaching the urban design subject .The manuscript is strongly coherent in method of research , clarity of illustrated data and graphs.

image illustrates how urban design theories typology affect creating urban space.

The references in the research are the references subject of the study in the reading list, showing the robust knowledge presented and the author’s deep knowledge in the field. The article conclusion emphasizes on finding a new way of understanding the shared body of knowledge and proposes a typology that should be developed or introduce other types of methodology to study the urban design theory.

The author illustrated that variety of approaches to urban design taught in universities in – UK, USA, and Australia – from investigating the reading list. The paper comprises various negative catches.

  • Many researchers make clear view that a case study approach has not been universally accepted by researchers as reliable, objective, and legitimate. Most research using the case study approach is for exploration and for knowhow, and findings could not be generalized and used as a method for research.
  • The field urban design as a discipline was introduced in United States of America by Louis cert in the 19th century because of the various problems created by planners in their development proposals for cities. The field passed various theoretical developments all over the world in major developed countries such as France, Netherlands, china, Japan, Singapore and others.
  • There are hundreds of universities in the world teaching different programs that deserve the research. The author could study the shared body of knowledge from the program criteria and syllabus.
  • if the reading list or text books represent the author’s belief in a certain way to deal with the design of public spaces or the form and shape of building that does not mean it’s a common rule or an urban design theory or process. As many books are written to introduce a new idea about the field like the importance of public art in the city’s urban space. What the author introduced in his research is not a theory; in other words, university text-books are not urban design theories. A theory is a system of assumptions or principals, rules of procedures desired to – analyze, predict, explain – the nature or behavior.
  • The various books subject of this study do not present or provide a system that urban designer use in the professional life. Urban design theory provides a process of procedures that comprise – data analysis, design, management, monitoring – activities. What these books and their presented ideas are only a concept that contributes positively to the concept design stage.
  • The reading list does not essentially represent the method that the university program provider belief in its importance in teaching urban design or represent the teaching method the teacher use to teach the subject of urban design. The books presented are from different time line and represent different concept about the urban design theory that means the teachers or the university do not focus and provide a specific urban design theory. The books present a concept that deals with specific element of urban design within the urban design theory process that means it does not provide a clear picture about the urban design theory taught in the targeted universities subject of this study. To support the ideas here i suggest you read the book review published here about the urban design process click here.

You can download the original paper from this website if you are interested.

Published inPaper review


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