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3 effective methods to get new twitter followers for authors

Twitter followers a social media platform

Any experienced self-publisher will advise not to use social media much and to concentrate on writing on your blog or new book. Connecting with the same genre writers and tweeting within their cycle and even following influencers will not bring much positive results only after long time because of competition. My experience with twitter since the end of 2020 revealed several positive rules of thumb to use twitter effectively and gain positive results. Self publishers normally tweet their book ads on a tweet as a freebie or discounted or normal sale. Using hashtags in the tweet makes the tweet connect with other writers or readers, but in my test it really brings results in the long run when users search for specific content.

All self publishers would want to increase reader’s circle in their account that is achieved through using hashtags for readers. In reality readers do not come on twitter for long time but occasionally. People use twitter to enjoy their time and connect with others to see new ideas, new event, news, and to share something they admire. So where do readers really go and how to connect with them on twitter? Many readers’ platforms have an account on twitter like Goodreads and many others. Let’s be more specific in my case for architecture there are many accounts that gather architects, architecture, and relevant disciplines. Following them and connecting with them from time to time brings positive results in increasing followers, but not on a large scale. Your account will be more visible to others in the same field and start to connect with you.

So what are the methods to increase the twitter account followers for self publishers when following same genre accounts?


Twitter provided a very useful way to communicate with followers and non followers by tagging. You can tag by using the @ sign in the middle of tweets to mention one in conversation or in the beginning of a tweet to direct the tweet to a specific account. Tagging is one of the most powerful methods for an account to become visible and to gain followers. I have tagged many account followers of my followers accounts for example Goodreads followers on occasional basis and other followers account I follow in the same genre I write for. This method increases my account visibility and obtained automatic followers from time to time. When using this method, you see your followers grow steadily.

Tagging another account by using one of his tweets as a base for occasional tweets brings a dramatic increase in followers not only from non followers but from other account followers.

Retweeting anyone who likes or retweet your tweets.

Many specialists in digital marketing published studies and test on this method for increasing twitter account followers. For example, buffer software specialists published an article on increasing twitter account by this method, but by retweeting your account tweets that has previous engagement. Here results from their test:

“On average, our retweeted tweets received 122 percent more impressions, 87 percent more engagements, and 90 percent more link clicks. The three tweets with video also had an average boost of video views by 92 percent,”

twitter followers chart of buffer test on retweeting account tweets.
figure 1 buffer test

Neil Patel another specialist in digital marketing say for retweeting other accounts tweets:

“Again, it’s a long-game way to build your following, and there’s no guarantee that every post you share successfully gain you new followers,”

Neil Patel tweet example
figure 2 : Neil Patel tweet example

So the studies either retweet your own tweets or other accounts tweets but the results vary. My method is to retweet at least 1-3 tweets from the account that retweeted my tweet or liked my tweet whether he/she is a follower or non follower. This method brings a steady increase in followers and makes the account more visible.

Mentioning of followers and non followers

This method I invented that brought delightful results in engagement with followers I hardly know their names and an increase in retweet, thanks, and likes. For accounts I mentioned that do not follow me they showed happiness in mentioning and started to engage more with my tweets and retweets and likes. I have used this method to increase visibility and followers by tweeting a mention about an account I liked in terms of content and that content that followers look for and engage with on occasional basis. Below is an example of a tweet mention from my account:

my account tweet example
figure 3: my account tweet example

You can explore the full advantages of this method on following me @husamtalib and checking all tweets.

Published inWriting & Marketing

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